Media Release: Hamilton Chamber of Commerce to Appear Before House of Commons’ Standing Committee on International Trade re: Steel Industry

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, ON, March 20th, 2017: On March 21, 2017 (3:30-5:00 pm) the Hamilton, Sault Ste. Marie and the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce will provide testimony at the House of Common’s Standing Committee on International Trade on its study concerning the Canadian Steel Industry’s Ability to Compete Internationally.

The invitation from the federal government is an outcome of efforts over the last few months to elevate the challenges facing the steel industry across Canada, and especially within these three communities. The three chambers co-sponsored a policy resolution that was successful in receiving national support for a policy resolution at the Canadian Chamber’s Annual General Meeting in September 2016. Subsequently, the partnership began an ongoing engagement process with key Cabinet Ministers and local MPs in the following months.

The Chambers will provide a presentation examining the impact of foreign steel dumping, ineffective trade remedies and share recommendations for the federal government to work towards a National Steel Strategy.

“The steel industry in Hamilton remains resilient and willing and able to compete with international competitors through its product innovation and integration within the NAFTA supply chain.”  said Huzaifa Saeed, Policy & Research Analyst at the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. “However, they face a significant risk exposure through ineffective remedies for dumping by non-market economies like China and a wave of even higher protectionism being signaled from the United States. ” added Saeed.

The day of advocacy will be supplemented by additional meetings with relevant ministries and members of parliament. Arcelor Mittal Dofasco and Stelco will also be appearing before the Standing Committee later this week.

CLICK HERE to read the briefing memo.

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For more information, please contact; Huzaifa Saeed, Policy & Research Analyst, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce | e:

March 22nd: Media Coverage Update: Global News | AM900 CHML Scott Thompson Show