Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Commends City Council for Immediate Action on the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery Recommendations
· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca
December 9, 2020 – HAMILTON, ON: Today, Hamilton City Council received a staff presentation on a long-term, sustainable and equitable action plan from the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery (MTFER), a working group of multi-sectoral leaders from across Hamilton guiding the City on economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce applauds the Mayor, Members of Council and City staff for their immediate action on many of the recommendations contained within the MTFER. Through a number of motions at the General Issues Committee, Council has proceeded to implement the thoughtful contributions of the Task Force experts.
While each of the motions adopted at today’s General Issues Committee are welcome and are in direct response to the recommendations contained within the MTFER, the following are quickly actionable by the municipality and will benefit local businesses immediately:
- Item 8.1.b: In partnership with local Chambers of Commerce, the City of Hamilton Economic Development will establish a COVID-19 Concierge Service through the Hamilton Business Centre to create a one-stop resource centre for COVID-19-related information for local businesses.
- Item 8.1.c: Freezing all General Business License Fees, Trade License Fees, Taxi and Personal Transportation Fees, and Film Permit Fees at 2020 levels for 2021.
- Item 8.1.e: One-time enhancement grant of $10K to each of the City’s 13 BIAs to support special programming in 2021 to promote their member businesses and a commitment from the City of Hamilton Economic Development and Tourism Division to an enhanced focus on supporting local tourism in their 2021 programming.
- Item 8.1.f: Directing staff to report back on options for the creation of a Small Business Property Tax Sub-Class that would provide targeted financial relief to local businesses and, moreover, to request Provincial permission to establish a special Creative Enterprises Facilities Property Tax Sub-Class.
The Chamber also appreciates the thoughtful contributions from the members of the Task Force, which will help Hamilton build a more resilient, equitable, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring greater opportunities for all members of our community.
While the bulk of the work of the Task Force may be complete, it remains imperative that the City of Hamilton act on the many other recommendations laid out in the report as quickly as possible. Though the optimism surrounding COVID-19 vaccinations builds, this pandemic’s economic effects will be felt for a long time, requiring myriad ongoing supports for local businesses.
Paul Szachlewicz, Policy & Government Relations Advisor
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
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Christoph Benfey
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Reg Beaudry
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