Hamilton Chamber Researching the Impact of COVID-19 on Female-dominated Sectors
· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca
SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 – HAMILTON, ON: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce it is working with the Government of Ontario on a Labour Market Partnership to conduct research to measure the impact of COVID-19 on female-dominated sectors.
This project will be regional in scope and will be completed in partnership with the YWCA Hamilton, Workforce Planning Hamilton, Goodwill The Amity Group, and McMaster University.
With unprecedented job loss during this pandemic, this project aims to address this labour market issue of adjustment. The project goal is to come up with local recommendations for recovery.
Addressing social inequality is one of the many recommendations the Hamilton Chamber is suggesting for a strong economic recovery from the pandemic. If you’re interested in learning more, read our COVID-19 Blueprint.
Canada’s employment has dropped significantly since March, with female-dominated service-sector jobs among the hardest hit. In light of recent employment figures stemming from COVID-19, the forthcoming recession has been dubbed the first “she-session.” The significant drop in employment has hit female-dominated service-sector jobs the hardest. Retail, restaurants, childcare centres, and hotels are particularly vulnerable to the shutdown, many of which closed down completely.
“We wish to assess the impact the pandemic has caused to female-dominated sectors, and provide recommendations for recovery to address the labour market repercussions of COVID-19,” said Marie Nash, Chief Operating Officer of the Chamber. “Without measuring the impact, we can’t hope to effectively fight it.”
“An economic recovery that fails to account for over half the population is hardly a recovery,” noted Bianca Caramento, Manager of Policy and Government Relations at the Chamber. “This work will help ensure steps are taken to address the economic impact this pandemic has had on all Hamiltonians.”
Cassandra D’Ambrosio
Manager of Marketing & Communications
Marie Nash
Chief Operating Officer
Bianca Caramento
Manager of Policy and Government Relations
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Christoph Benfey
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Reg Beaudry
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