YEP Speedmentoring

Our annual YEP “speed networking” event brings together Hamiltonians to meet and greet with our YEPs in order to form peer to peer relationships, create connections and a sense of community – and hopefully even generate new business!

We’ll be breaking out into Zoom rooms and adapting this event in a virtual environment this year!

The format of this event is similar to speed dating where every 10-15 minutes, you will be placed into a new ‘room’ with a lead mentor and other YEPs and the speedmentoring will begin! There will be set questions to guide the conversation, as well as an opportunity to bring your own topics and ideas to the table.

Joining us are mentors from the financial sector, to creative, tech, employment service and more!

Margaret Bennett – Director, Advisor Experience, Freedom 55 Financial

Brad Dean – President & Creative Lead, Jet Propelled

Jahmoyia Smith – Career Development Specialist, Goodwill Amity

Alexis Kleiman – ihub Manager of Community Relations & Student Experience, District School Board of Niagara

Joe Apps – Founder, Joe Apps Technology Support

Emily O’Brien – Founder, Comeback Snacks

Date and Time

Feb 18, 2021, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Video By
Christoph Benfey

Photography By
Reg Beaudry

Website By