INDUSTRIAL WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT: Heat Wasted by Hamilton’s Bayfront Area Industries could heat 45,000 local homes
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APRIL 29, 2021 – HAMILTON, ON: New analysis from the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce – funded by The Atmospheric Fund and developed in cooperation with local heavy industry, the City of Hamilton, and other stakeholders – shows the feasibility of using waste heat from the Bayfront Area, including the potential for a district energy system to serve the heating and cooling needs of adjacent buildings.
Research confirmed that the estimated recoverable waste heat generated by participating companies is enough to heat approximately 45,000 homes for an entire year, displacing gas, which would reduce carbon emissions by approximately 200,000 tonnes per year.
The Industrial Waste Heat Recovery report summarizes the current state of industrial waste heat potential in the study area. Each of seven companies (Air Liquide, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Bunge Hamilton, Collective Arts Brewing, National Steel Car, Stelco, and HCE Energy Inc.) participating in the study assessed their waste heat. A map identifies existing and potential connections between waste heat sources in the study area and potential industrial, commercial, and residential users inside and outside of the area.
The paper also provides a robust policy discussion on opportunities, barriers, and potential remedies to incentivize and increase industrial uptake in waste heat recovery technologies.
The full report can be found here on our website.
“Findings and recommendations from this study are intended to inspire and inform future work to capitalize on Hamilton’s industrial waste heat as a source of economic, social and environmental benefit on the road to a low emissions future. Hamilton’s industrial sector has an opportunity to continue to lead in the adoption of new and emerging technologies to further reduce GHDs and drive our clean industrial advantage.”
– Keanin Loomis, President & CEO of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
“The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce collaboration with industry, government, academics and community organizations successfully led to a mega-scale climate solution where everyone wins. With the study showing the deep carbon reduction and economic potential of industrial waste heat recovery, it’s now time for leadership to get the policies and practical action in place. Carbon emissions in the region are going up, and there is an urgent need for such creative approaches.”
– Julia Langer, CEO of The Atmospheric Fund
Representing over 1,000 businesses and institutions that employ more than 75,000 people in Hamilton, Ontario, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is the city’s 175 year-old voice of business and thought leader in commerce. In addition to helping provide solutions to the day-to-day challenges of its member businesses, the Hamilton Chamber provides leadership on city building initiatives that are designed to stimulate commerce and increase prosperity in the community.
ABOUT The Atmospheric Fund (TAF):
The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) provides grants to charities, not-for-profit organizations, and municipalities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) for projects that have the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions and/or air pollution. Recent TAF grants cover a wide range of activities, from technology demonstration to collective impact and policy advancement. While diverse in approach, all of these projects share the potential to advance high-impact climate solutions in our region.
Paul Szachlewicz
Policy & Government Affairs Advisor
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
Marie Nash
Chief Operating Officer
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
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Christoph Benfey
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Reg Beaudry
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